Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Episode VII

So, unless you’ve been living under a rock (quite literally) than you know by now the latest Star Wars Episode VII trailer got released a few weeks ago and the internet has been BLOWING UP !!!

I’m the first one to say that ALL geekdom is equal and no fandom is any BETTER than another.  You can be a “Trekkie”, a “Whovian”, a “Ringer” or a “Potterhead” but ALL nerds and geeks can appreciate the utter NERDGASM that happened when trailer # 2 hit the internet.  In case you haven’t seen it, or you’re like me and want to see it for the 837th time… here is the trailer.

I personally am a fan of all types of geeky things.  I LOVE 80’s music, big fan of all kinds of sci-fi, I’m a big movie nerd (I try and fit random movie quotes into normal conversation), HUGE Kevin Smith fan…. But as far back as I can remember… the very 1st thing I ever experienced in my geek life… was STAR WARS. 

I was born in 1977 so obviously I was too young for my parents to bring me to the original when it was released, and even too young for Empire… but I DO remember sitting and watching them on VHS with my family and was just in complete awe.  Then when Jedi came out, my parents took me to see it in the theater.  When the lights when dark and the 20th Century Fox music came up and almost made me deaf… it opened up a whole new world to me.  Not only did it solidify my LOVE of all things Star Wars (Except Jar Jar), but it  was the 1st movie I can remember seeing and it started my love affair with movies in general.

I owned a BUNCH of the action figures as a kid.  For Chanukah one year, my brother got a Y-Wing fighter and I got the Millennium Falcon... I even had the Darth Vader carrying case you could only get by mailing away proof's of purchase of money for shipping and handling. (Yes this was before internet shopping, or the internet AT ALL).

Needless to say I am a HUGE Star Wars fan.  Of all the sci-fi and geeky things to like, love, and be part of, I feel my 1st true geek love will always be Star Wars.  Because of this, I fully intend on taking the day off from wok and being there opening day to see Episode VII in the theater.  I'm sure it will be madness... but that's the fun of it.  A bunch of geeks together sharing their passion about how THEIR lightsaber would be designed if they built one... I will take that kind of company any day.

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